The Israeli Fallacy

January 17, 2025

People in Israel and abroad feel relieved and hopeful that an agreement has be made and the kidnapped Israelis are returned to their loved ones. Israel is also stopping the war in Gaza has beaten up the Hizballah and doing well in its fights in Syria and fighting Yemen, so it all looks promising.
The hopes that we are finally on a road to have some peace are far from the truth.

Bibi is stopping the war, pulling out of Gaza, but not leaving behind who will rule Gaza. That is not some kind of omission. I suggest, it is intentional so that Hamas who is still functioning will get back in power and continue bombarding Israel with rockets which will give Israel an excuse to attack Gaza again. Further destruction of Gaza opens the chances for the messianic Jews to settle Gaza and further the dream of settling as much of the land promised to the Jewish people by God thousands of years ago.
Hamas has its own vision. They want to reenact the victory of Salah A Deen who chased the crusaders out of the Sacred Land. Now it is their role to chase the intruding Jews. Bottom line, both parties do not want peace. Both are driven by religious zeal to destroy the other.
All attempts to find a solution so far do not address the source of the problem and it is that there are seven million Palestinians who have no future and no place to go. It is a situation that is unbearable and which by necessity of the reality, produces terrorists or as others call them, freedom fighters. Their attacks are communicating that they need a solution to their plight.

The only realistic solution is to make it possible for the Palestinians to have a state of their own. Unfortunately, that state will be on land God promised the Jewish people thousands of years ago and the messianic Jews already are settling that land. Removing them might call for use of arms. The problem is that they are fully armed too.
Hamas who is de facto leading the Palestinian nation does not support a two-nation solution either because it will preempt the right of return of the Palestinian people.
So, we are stuck with no solution that works.
Many Israelis say that the situation has no solution which means that the solution is to stay with the preset situation as the solution. The problem with inaction is that no situation stays put. Change continues and the rule is: if the condition does not become better than by default it becomes worse. To become better action has to be taken to make it better.
So far, the political mood has not supported any positive actions to make it better and using power to defeat the enemy is not such an action.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes