Reflections and Aspirations: A Year of Growth and Transformation at the Institute

December 27, 2024

Dear Associates, clients, friends and even enemies, the High Holidays are here. A year has come to its end. I do not know where it went. As I get older, time flies faster or maybe it is that the technology is becoming more addictive. I spend more time now than in the past on the computer, trying to deal effectively with a tsunami of mail, messages. spams, sales calls, dangerous hackers. It is so busy I do not notice a day has passed. So has a week, a month and now, a year.

But complaining aside, it has been a very productive year. We all at the institute, led by David, Tarrats, Rufat and others, worked hard in crossing the adolescent stage of the life cycle, developing agreements, black books, operating blue books, implementing strategies for survival. As you all know we have been forbidden to operate in Russia because of the sanctions, so we lost that market which was a major part of our activities. In addition to it, the war in Ukraine made us lose that market too.  And the Belarus market as well.  A major part of our revenues evaporated overnight; and we needed to substitute the loss with new clients or products or die. Opening a new office takes time and resources we did not have. So, we focused on developing new Adizes Methodology products and services, and saturating our current offices with more clients where we could.

Leadership Development Programs (LDP) grew 30% year-over-year in 2024; we launched ALIS with a 120% YoY growth, with its new B2B subscription model and in various languages. It is now starting to be regularly used by companies with great satisfaction; We also started a new - $15k price tag - Adizes Executive Program from scratch with a first cohort of participants, upcoming second cohort in March 2025. And the Institute has passed this year more clients to offices than ever before in its history, while also retaining a few international clients for itself.
With these products, a new and beautiful website, fresh and well managed marketing; the opportunities and cross fertilization occurring throughout the Institute, the Network, Offices and our Community is unprecedented and will keep increasing in 2025 and beyond. I could not be more excited about our future and what lies ahead for the Institute.

We are very proud of what we’ve achieved, and it is only the beginning of new possibilities in the horizon to accelerate and flourish what we’ve built over 50 years. The Institute will ascend to further heights and greater reach thanks to our new leadership, new paradigms and new strategies.

Thank you for joining us and supporting us through these efforts and sticking with our mission of healing Organizations worldwide. Appreciate every one of you and I am proud to work with you.

Enjoy the year end and wish you a great start to 2025.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes