Challenge What You Think You Know

January 10, 2025

Physics theory tells us that with the Big Bang, time and space began. To me, this means that disintegration began. There is past, present, and future. Some people, mostly type (E)s, live in the future, relatively ignoring the present and disregarding the past. Those with the (A) style might be living in the past, refusing to change in the future. (P) types live in the present and often come into conflict with those who live in the future and those who live in the past. Space also disintegrates. I am here, while you might be somewhere else. We both have different views of the world. This disintegration can lead to dysfunctional outcomes, resulting in destructive conflicts.
This disintegration can be overcome with love where space and time do not exist. Think about someone you love dearly, deeply. They might be dead or very far away. How do you feel about them? As if they are still alive or right next to you. Right?
I experienced that space does not exist even though love was not involved. I was introduced to Stanisic, an energy healer in Slovenia, who taught me how to treat people’s diseases by manipulating the energy around their bodies. The final exam in the course was to select another student in the class, who was positioned in another room, and to make them bend. I closed my eyes, visualized them, and directed the energy around their body. Later, she told me she had to bend her body. She could not resist. The next exercise was for her to bend me. I repeat, we were in different rooms. All at once, I felt as if someone was pushing me and bending me. I could not resist and bent. We both were certified. (By the way, in that class, Stanisic healed the nonstop noise I had in my ear that ear, nose, and throat doctors told me could not be healed. To overcome the noise, the learned medical doctor had instructed me to listen to more music. That was twenty years ago, I am still noise-free.)

Time differentiation also does not exist. We all experience either anger or happiness remembering something that happened in the past, feeling it as though it is happening in the present.
Where does this lead? I do not know, except that many concepts I took for granted, as they were taught, are not absolute at all.
Here is another experience I want to share with you.
I was visiting my Heartfulness ashram in Kanha, India. They had a class for children up to ten years old. They covered my eyes with a piece of cloth, and I reported that I could not see anything. They asked a child to come and cover his eyes. I was told to pick up a book from the shelf—there were dozens of books there. I picked one at random and was instructed to open it to any page. I did. The child was instructed to read, and he read that page with closed eyes. Next, I was asked if I had money. I had a dollar bill in my wallet, so I gave it to the child. He was asked what it was, and he said it was a five-dollar bill. When asked to read the number on the dollar bill, he read it perfectly well. I was there with my sister and a client. They are my witnesses.
Jokingly, I said I wished I could have done this while I was a student—no need to study, just close my eyes, find the answer in the books, and be done. I was told it doesn’t work if one cheats.
This means there is something bigger than us, something stronger than us, with absolute values. If those values are violated, we lose power. If we follow them, we are very powerful.

What are those values? Are they related to love that eliminates time and space differentiation? It will be in my new book, which I am starting to write.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes